Paula shows us how to create field maps for Collector.

Some of you use maps in the field and collect your own data based on what you see at the location you are visiting.

Examples of this might be development sites with highly engineered areas, or remote backcountry locations where you are doing bird counts or vegetation suveys.

A map of where you are going and the locations of the features you are observing is useful to have. Once you are on the site, you might like to collect additional points, lines and polygons and write notes about this data.

An example map is shown below.

This map shows where monitoring locations for chew cards and tracking tunnels should go. Now, you need to go out to the site and install these tracking tunnels and chew cards.

How do you know where you are in real time in relation to the desired features when you are at the project site? What if the locations shown on the map are not suitable and the tracking tunnels and chew cards are placed in a slightly different location on the ground?  

This is when having an editable field map is really handy and useful. This tutorial will walk you through three steps:

1-     Making a map,

2-     Exporting your map to ArcGIS online,

3-     Accessing your map in Collector (the arcgis field app).

Make a map using Arcgis Pro and create your desired feature classes (see

Once you have done this, you will share a map.

In the top toolbar select Share  > Web Map and this will brign up the Share As Web Map configuration box.

Fill out the details with an appropriate name, summary and tags. Ensure your configuration is set to ‘Copy all data: editable’

Select a folder to share within, or create a new folder. Share with groups or your entire organisation. Oonce finished, select ‘Analyze’ . This will identify warnings or errors that will prevent sharing.

Once any errors have been rectified, select ‘Share’.

Once completed, head over to your arcgis online account and sign in. Under ‘Content’ you will see your web map.

The icons on the right show who the map is shared with. In this case, the map is shared with my whole organisation. You can share maps with just one user or a group of users.

Select your map and write a map description. The layers within the map are also listed.

To configure your map to use offline, go into your desired map and select ‘Settings’ on the top right corner, set your map extent and select save.

Then scroll down through the settings and toggle ‘Enable offline mode’ to ON. You can select map areas to make offline now, but that isn’t required.

Scroll to the bottom to Application Settings and select ‘Use in ArcGIS Collector’. Save your settings and return to your map.

You can now download the Collector app on your phone. Sign in and your map should be visible.   

 You now need to download a local copy of your map onto your phone or handheld device. Select the three dots on the right of your map name in the home screen and select ‘Add Offline Area’. Select the level of detail you need to encompas your desired area and download your area. Once downloaded, you can start collecting editing your features in the field. Make sure you sync your work once you get back into cellphone coverage or wifi.