Python Scripting with the Field Calculator

This post details how you can use some Python scripting to do if/else statements in the Field Calculator. If the title of this post and the intro haven’t put you to sleep already, read on!  Perhaps they’ve even piqued your interest!  (There are support groups available for this condition.) I was recently contacted by a […]

Fun with Cholera!

This post looks at how data can be symbolised in different ways to make for more effective communication using data from John Snow’s mapping of the cholera outbreak in Soho.  Well there’s nothing fun about cholera, really.  But there are some important lessons we’ve learned about spatial thinking from cholera, particularly with an outbreak in […]

Cholera, Spatial Thinking and John Snow: Soho 1854

A particularly bad outbreak of cholera in Soho in 1854 led one man to identify contaminated water as the mode of transmission and apply one of the most famous instances of spatial thinking. At a time when the fledgling Canterbury colony was getting itself sorted out, the London of 1854 was a stinking, festering hell-hole.  Growing from the tiny […]