Getting Maps into Reports

We quickly cover how best to incorporate map layouts into written reports In this special edition, I’ll cover how you can better incorporate your maps into things like reports or theses, or wherever they need to end up. We often focus on stand along maps where everything that is needed. Maybe they end up as […]

Bi(variate) Curious

Using Bivariate Symbology on a map of housing prices We’ve been looking at different mapping strategies lately and this time we’ll look at an uncommon one, uncommon enough that people are likely to be curious about how it works. I will admit that I, too, have been curious, having never really used it before. The […]

The View from Forbes

As most everyone will be aware, the Burns Building is slowly being demolished. I doubt that many will mourn its passing, but I’m no architectural critic. What I can be critical about is views. In my new digs in far reaching Forbistan (Ed. you mean the Forbes Building, right?), I was checking out the view […]

Location, Location, Location

Adding spreadsheet data to a map and displaying house price index data They say that the three most important things in real estate are location, location, location. I always trot that one out at the beginning of a semester and extend it to most everything we do at Lincoln, but in this post we’ll look […]

Global Phosphorus Blooms

Three different ways of mapping some dissolved reactive phosphorus data are covered. Some of our recent work in pulling together a set of global datasets is beginning to bear fruit. Over the next few posts, I’ll go into excruciating detail on how the datasets were pulled together and the analysis results mapped. Along with nitrogen, […]

Lines on the Map

From space, one could hardly tell that what we see above is one of the most divisive, fraught areas on the planet. When we add the country boundaries, the familiar shapes of the Middle East serve as a reminder: I’m going to stray into some difficult territory in this post, and not without a healthy […]

Fire Lines

A quick and easy request is handled with Select by Location As we go to press, a fire rages on the Port Hills, reminding many of a similar event in 2017. Just today, I had a quick request from LU student services to get a quick idea of which roads were close to the fire […]

Analyst, know thy coordinates

Recognising different coordinate systems can be helpful in speeding up your work. It’s said that the Temple of Apollo at Delphi was inscribed with three key maxims for a good life, one of which was “Know Thyself”. This is, of course, very good advice. For the GIS analyst, knowing yourself helps to know when to […]

A Label Conscious Map

Label classes give us a bit more control over how features can be labelled on maps. We’ve been putting some figures together for a paper coming out of Christy Songola’s master’s thesis. He was looking at using Radon measurements from wells in a braided river plain to determine travel times of groundwater in different seasons. […]

The Heights of Folly

I won’t say I’m a great fan of clear cutting but I suppose some may find this image inspiring (from a recent walk to the Sign of the Packhorse). We start with this as it will later help to illustrate some of the analysis the GIS courses have been doing lately. We’ve been spending a […]