Mapping the Census

In this post I’ll take about how we can make the most of the recent (and previous) census data and how to add spreadsheet data to a map. So did you fill in your census form on Tuesday night?  In the course of filling in the forms, you no doubt entered a lot of personal […]

My data aren’t lining up!

In this post I’ll talk about using the Spatial Adjustment toolbar to shift vector data from where it is to where it should be. A key underlying idea of GIS is that data layers overlay because they all live in the same geographic space.  If this doesn’t happen then there’s not much value in the […]

How can I get some data?

All of our GIS data are stored on the network and anyone can easily access them.  To get started: Open Windows Explorer and right-click on This PC and then Map Network Drive: In the Drive window, pick J: In the folder window, type \\V-FS-LU1\gis2 If you’re always going to using the same computer, tick the “Reconnect at logon” […]

Welcome to the GIS Blog

They say that there are three things that matter most in property: location, location, location.  This isn’t going to be a blog about property but if location is important to you than you’re in the right place.  We (Crile Doscher and Brad Case) have started this blog in the hopes of doing a better job […]