The Tools Toolbar – An Unsung Hero of ArcMap

This post covers some of the basics of the Tools toolbar on the ArcMap window, an unsung heros of using the application. The GIS Blog has focused on a lot of technical uses of GIS, but sometimes just making your way around in ArcMap can be a challenge.  So in this post we’ll look at […]

Sticking to the (Python) Script

In this post, we’ll go over how you can use a Python script to get ArcGIS to do something it doesn’t currently do. This post comes courtesy of the suffering of a postgrad (like most things in the academic world.)   As part of a class project, the postgrad in question, Daniel, wanted to do […]

Anatomy of a Web Map

In this post, we’ll have a closer look behind how web maps combine map services with web pages. In an earlier post we looked at some of the web maps working off of our GIS server.  In this post, we’ll have a closer look at just how web maps work.  We’ll use the staff/student addresses […]

Our (Web) Maps

The Lincoln GIS Server allows us to make GIS data and maps available to anyone with a web browser.  In this post, several of the web maps we’ve developed are presented. In a previous post we covered the idea of web services, which allow data layers to be served up to web browsers without needing […]

A Map of a Disaster

This is a post about the use of maps to tell a story.  One of the most famous maps ever produced recounts Napoleon Bonaparte’s invasion of Russia in 1812. So I’ve been reading a novel recently that revolves around Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, which by all accounts, was the final nail in the coffin of […]

Spatial Thinking – the Legal Case

This is a post about Spatial Thinking in the context of the application of justice in New Zealand.  Only a few pretty pictures to go with this one I’m afraid. Growing up in relatively small-town America, I always knew to be a bit careful when driving through the wop wops – one could never be […]

On-Line Training Courses for ArcGIS

This post covers the on-line tutorials available to LU users. The GIS team is often asked how people can learn how to do more stuff.  One of the perks of our ArcGIS site licence is that we can free access to a range of on-line tutorials from ESRI, the creators of ArcGIS.  These range from […]

Web Feature Services Part 2 – LRIS and LDS

Part 2 of a focus on Web Feature Services (WFS), this time on connecting to data from LRIS and LDS. A previous post covered the basics of connecting to Web Feature Services (WFS).  For this post, we’ll look specifically at how to connect to Landcare’s data portal (LRIS) and the LINZ data service (LDS, not […]

Web Feature Services – real data from the web to your desktop

This post looks at web feature services (WFS) where real data from internet sources can be added to your desktop for analysis purposes. In a previous post we looked at web services that could be added to a map.  While these are great for map making purposes, they do have their limitations, especially if you […]

How do I clip raster data?

This post covers how to clip out portions of raster grids (updated May 2021 for Pro). A previous post covered how to clip vector data (feature classes and shapefiles).  Another key skill is being able to clip out portions of raster grids, such as a DEM, or perhaps a TIF image.  We’ve got three options […]