Home on the Range

In this post we’ll cover the ins and outs of creating home ranges for animals based on point locations.  This was mainly written as a tutorial for Ecology students but by all means, feel free to have a go. In animal ecology there’s an important concept around home ranges for animals, which could be thought […]

Spatial Aspects of Gallipoli – the Landings at Anzac Cove

This is the second of two posts on Gallipoli.  The first set the scene for the landings at Anzac Cove on 25 April 1915.  In this post, the spatial aspects of the landing are covered in more detail.  Warning: the account here may differ from a traditional telling of the event. In part 1 of […]

Spatial Aspects of Gallipoli – The Big Picture

This is the first of two posts related to the Gallipoli Campaign.  In this one we’ll talk about the importance of Gallipoli in World War One while the second will look at the ANZAC beach landing. I’m no war buff – far from it.  But there are a few military events that have really captured […]

3D Symbols in your 3D Visualisations

This post covers how to insert 3D symbols into an ArcGlobe scene. So you’re doing some analysis of the best place to put a windfarm and would like to really wow your client (or lecturer…) with some 3D visulisations.  We’ve probably all seen the kinds of point symbols that we might put on a 2D […]

Sticking to the (Python) Script

In this post, we’ll go over how you can use a Python script to get ArcGIS to do something it doesn’t currently do. This post comes courtesy of the suffering of a postgrad (like most things in the academic world.)   As part of a class project, the postgrad in question, Daniel, wanted to do […]

Anatomy of a Web Map

In this post, we’ll have a closer look behind how web maps combine map services with web pages. In an earlier post we looked at some of the web maps working off of our GIS server.  In this post, we’ll have a closer look at just how web maps work.  We’ll use the staff/student addresses […]

A Map of a Disaster

This is a post about the use of maps to tell a story.  One of the most famous maps ever produced recounts Napoleon Bonaparte’s invasion of Russia in 1812. So I’ve been reading a novel recently that revolves around Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, which by all accounts, was the final nail in the coffin of […]

Spatial Thinking – the Legal Case

This is a post about Spatial Thinking in the context of the application of justice in New Zealand.  Only a few pretty pictures to go with this one I’m afraid. Growing up in relatively small-town America, I always knew to be a bit careful when driving through the wop wops – one could never be […]

Welcome to the GIS Blog

They say that there are three things that matter most in property: location, location, location.  This isn’t going to be a blog about property but if location is important to you than you’re in the right place.  We (Crile Doscher and Brad Case) have started this blog in the hopes of doing a better job […]